Welcome to my website! My name is Samanta,-and I'm here to guide you to the answers that lay deep within YOU.
Let's work together, transform, and create the life you wish to live
Rick Strassman
My name is Samanta,- I am a certified Life coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Entheogenic Medicine Integration Specialist, and a woman who is extremely passionate about healing Mind, Body, and Soul.
I am devoted to and passionate about the work that I do.
I work with people who are struggling with a wide variety of issues,- such as abuse, sexual violence/trauma, childhood trauma, co-dependent relationships, addictions, loss and grief, weak sense of self, and before/after plant medicine journeys.
My devotion and passion come from lived experiences. I've healed and built my knowledge through personal and professional development, plant medicine, Indigenous cosmology, academic research, and courses. I have professional expertise and have successfully helped many clients discover their true authentic selves, to live the life of their longing.
My passion for helping others began with my healing journey. My own experiences in search of freedom. When every conventional way to help myself, was, exhausted to no avail, I had no choice but to find something different. This search has led me onto a path of Plant medicines,- a journey like no other. Early on I realized, that the hard work begins after the ceremonies, and so by trial and error I created blueprints that helped not only me,- as well as many others over the years of practice.
My driving force behind working as an Integration/Life coach is powerful, yet simple. Motivated by the thought that,- somebody could have given me the tools and information that I was so desperately in need of, could've met me where I was, could've guided me through my fractured mind with emotions that felt like many rollercoasters simultaneously being ridden in opposite directions at 200mph with me in the front seat of them all,- would have saved me many years of pain and struggle.
My healing journey has sparked a fire in me,- the embers that glow giving light, burning bigger and brighter with each client I have the privilege to guide and work with.
I offer a range of services including
Plant Medicine Integration
Plant Medicine Ceremony Preparation
Life and Transformational coaching
Spiritual Emergency Management
These services are designed to prepare and integrate, help clients overcome obstacles, and limiting beliefs, transform their lives, improve their mindset, and achieve their goals. I believe that everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. By identifying root causes, and focusing on understanding patterns, beliefs, and traits created throughout their lives, understanding why they are feeling, behaving, and thinking the way they do, we implement and use approaches that work.
By actively embodying and working towards their goals, my clients unlock their full potential and create a life they love.
Most of our fears, knowledge and belief systems are ingrained at an early age from the experiences and conditioning that we are exposed to when we can’t control our environment, surroundings and events. We are like sponges soaking up information around us, which creates the world we perceive.
The way we each see reality is totally and completely unique, having been shaped by our environment and associations. As we grow, we continue to experience our world through the lens of our established beliefs, and patterns,- even if those beliefs and patterns don’t serve us any longer.
Our personality and individuality are developed at an age when we aren’t the ones making our own life decisions. We are simply at the mercy of the environment that is provided for us. Later, - in life when we think we’re making choices in certain situations- we often discover we have a very limited ability to make non-biased/non-conditioned decisions, especially if issues haven’t been resolved. Many times, we are reaffirming and confirming our past experiences, our family dynamics or lack of them, and simply at that point we may not know any better.
Along the way, as we’re walking through life, we pick up a lot of baggage, especially in the wake of unfortunate traumatic and/or challenging life events. Our subconscious is our culprit and saviour. If a trauma/painful experience, -hasn’t been dealt with our subconscious steps forward to create a “bubble” of defence and protect us from feeling the pain and everything that goes with it. In the aftermath, some people don’t feel enough, feel low self-esteem, think they are unlovable and less than. Some fall into addictions, self-harm, disassociation, bad habits, seek perfection and don’t love themselves. Or they fall into co-dependent, abusive relationships, repeating self-destructive behaviours and patterns without having awareness of why they do what they do. Sadly, - the list is endless.
Often these destructive patterns stem from our subconscious mind seeking to protect us from painful emotions and feelings that were left unprocessed at the time that they occurred.
The ego comes into play, by keeping us in our “comfort zone”. As mentioned before, its primary purpose is to keep us “safe” and alive on a day-to-day basis. That means that it is trying to prevent us from feeling what needs to be felt, to keep us in a protective bubble, immersed in the patterns and behaviours, that have helped us to survive difficult, traumatising life events or move forward through the consequences of those experiences. Even when that bubble/ego is not serving us any longer and at times even harming us in a wide variety of ways.
Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Iboga, Huachuma and other entheogens are known, - to crumble the “ego” away and lower our guard, so that we can process, and work through the things that are not so easily accessible or obvious in our conscious life.
Integration becomes an integral part of the whole experience. It starts with participating in the ceremony, but it doesn’t end there, in fact, the hard work starts right after. REALchange happens when you apply the lessons, clues, visions and tools, that you’ve been made aware of and integrate them into your day-to-day life.
Some of the things that surface during ceremonies, are like invitations to further processing, further understanding and working through, in our waking life. After the ceremony, there is a window of opportunity for us to step in, and as conscious adults process, feel through, grieve, change, embrace and let go.
We receive valuable insight with the help of these plants, to act and make necessary changes.
They help us clean the canvas, so we can start painting a picture of ourselves, without the baggage we’ve been holding on to for way too long.
One thing that’s apparent from my own experiences and insights from successfully helping many different people over the years is that permanent change is impossible without addressing the root cause/event and processing it at the primary level. Once this part of the journey is done, - it's all about active implementation, participation and change in daily lives.
Some people will be able to do it within the ceremony space, some will do it by themselves, and some will need help during their integration process, there is no wrong or right way to do this. It needs to be right for you and your unique circumstances.
Medicines are not magic bullets (even though they are nothing short of being magical). There are many wonderful one-time-ceremony stories, but it doesn’t mean that they are going to resolve all your problems in one night and there are never guarantees given. Plant medicines must be approached with respect and be met halfway, starting with good preparation and working through things during the period of integration.
Plant medicines help you experience and express your highest self, and gain wisdom, awareness, fulfilment and discover answers that are already in YOU. They don’t sort things out for us but give us clues and tools that are needed for us to heal ourselves.
They are here to show the roots of our suffering and the beauty of this existence.
The work begins when we make a conscious choice to live differently, be brave, and look within through different lenses to resolve the matters that lay deep inside and keep us awake at night.
The journey can be a rollercoaster, but the reward of discovering your true self – is priceless.
I sought the help of plant medicines after an abrupt ending of a long-term marriage. I was lost.
It opened a quest in me to understand the bigger picture and stand firmly on my own 2 feet.
After a few journeys, I found an integration coach - Sam. Our initial talk really helped me to make sense of my journeys and we discussed how best to move forward and make lasting changes in my life from a practical integrative perspective. We agreed to work together and start exploring some of the things that have been brought to the surface getting to the root causes of where my thinking, patterns, and beliefs had been created. This helped evolve them and of course, tackle the current challenges in my life - many of which I've kept hidden and locked away - to some extent even from me!
Sam is gentle, firm, perceptive, and intuitive. Making sense, letting go, and moving on is not an easy task for me and there were many ups and downs. Sam has her own practical experiences and understands and guides from a place of love, insight, and knowing.
She has helped me tremendously, and I know that I'm making lasting changes to letting go of my addictions, finding the courage to keep taking the next step, and making space for change while allowing the light in.
I want to share this so everyone remembers that whether you need a 1-hour conversation regarding integration or more in-depth work, Sam is here to guide you, help you to find answers, and step into who you truly are.
In my opinion, she is the SHIT GOAT- Spiritual Holistic Integration Teacher - Greatest of All Time ! You'll find no better.
I reached out to Sam after Ayahuasca retreat, as it didn't go the way I expected and I felt confused about it. She helped me make sense of the journey and explained, helped me understand why it went the way it did.
Working with Sam on the long term, I have found her to be very insightful and very good at pinpointing helping me to find the root cause of certain problems in my life. She really understands trauma and how it affects people in their lives and how unhealed trauma stops people from going forward. In my opinion Sam combines spiritual side and practical side of things very well. I also think that once you start working with Sam, she will do her upmost to help resolve your issues because she genuinely cares about people and humanity in general. I found Sam's approaches to be very helpful.
I would recommend her to anyone who needs some help navigating their way into healing.
I've met Sam after my first journey with plant medicine in 2022.
After initial conversation that felt aligned and safe, I chose to work with her on more personal level to get to the bottom of my problems, unravel and understand what happened within the ceremonies and dig deep within myself and integrate, create changes in my day to day life. Every time we had a session, she would create a space for me to just fully be myself, all masks off, say what I think and feel without any judgement at all and this is something I have struggled to do all my life, and the more she has created this for me, the more I allowed myself to feel safe not just with her, but within myself. Sam has watched me transform so many times, all the levels, good and bad, up and down and I always felt safe to do so.
While working with Sam I had many revelations and understanding root causes of my problems, and found the courage to face them head strong and move past them in one way or another. I always felt supported every step of the way. I used to run from myself, and any issues I faced, but now when I run I run towards it and deal with it. Honestly, working with Sam is one of the best things I have ever done for myself and I'm very excited for the life in front of me.
I reached out to Sam, after i came back from one of the retreats, when I was in a very difficult time of my life, where I was feeling very lost and I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel at all.
All I can say is that it was the best decision I have ever made. First of all she was a person I could trust, even when I couldn't trust myself. With her authenticity, calm, understanding and support she made me feel safe, held and loved. She helped me discover myself, know myself, accept, heal and love myself. The healing journey among others is painful, bumpy and challenging and what mattered to me a lot was that I could reach out to her every time I couldn't cope or understand where I'm at. She is an amazing woman with a lot of knowledge, but first she is always honest and will always meet you where you are.
I've heard about Sam before going to plant medicine retreat. So I decided to start working with her from the get-go in preparation, integration and then deeper work together.
I came into this journey with many blocks and many supressed emotions. We've been working together for a while now and even though there is still some work to do, my days, my life and my mind became brighter. I have better understanding of my strengths and beautiful traits as well as toxic patterns and behaviours and where do they stem from. Sam is using many different modalities to approach multi-layered issues, and if something doesn't work, she finds a way that does for me. She's guiding from the place of experience not just through work but also her personal experience with Plants and life, and you know and feel it from the moment you talk. I've never felt judged or that I shouldn't feel the way I am, always supported and held.
I had few sessions with Sam on my plant medicine journeys as I was struggling to make changes in the integration period and information online was conflicting or i couldn't relate to it. She was very informative and helped me to create routines, action plans and gave me many tools to use in my day to day life. I would recommend her to anyone who is struggling on their return home .
There is so much I could say but it won't do the justice
I've experienced SA as a young teenager and suffered PTSD as a result of it and no therapies, no medication helped me. It used to numb me enough to not feel and go about my life but never and I mean NEVER did I feel freedom that I do now. I needed someone who has been through life not just learned from the books, someone that fully understood what I'm going through.
We went through so much together and hand to my heart I can say this woman helped me change my life. In our journey I understood much more about my life and that the abuse was just the tip of the iceberg uncovering my patterns of thoughts and behaviours streaming right back to my childhood.
She was very patient with me and explained things as many times as needed as my understanding was changing and I was healing I'm not going round to lie it was difficult at times but she was holding my hand all the time and never gave up on me even when I wanted to give up on myself. She always knows what to say in hard moments even if I don't like it.
I got so many tools to live by now and learnt that I have a choice in my life.
I can't wait to actually visit and see Sam face to face for the first time hopefully this summer!!!!!
Working with Sam is truly life changing. I have tried medication, counselling, CBT, but kept spiralling into addictions and my self loathing escalated to the point where I completely isolated myself. I was lost, full of resentments and just unable to cope because I never went to the roots of my problems. I didn't believe that I deserve healing. It was Sam, who relentlessly, lovingly and patiently proved to me that I do deserve it, and this unconditional love and total devotion that made the world of difference. She was always there when I needed her and she works in a way that is organic and intuitive. She knew when I needed comfort, empowerment or calling out. She navigated my many emotions with such grace and care, that I can truly say I trust this lady with my life. Sam helped me and supported me when I spoke up to my family about abuse that I suffered as a child, and she showed me that I am braver and stronger and more loving than I ever allowed myself to feel and be.
After a year I feel connection to myself that is so overwhelmingly beautiful I still struggle to believe it at times, but I feel it and know it and the results in my life speak for themselves. From shadow work, to inner child work, to women circles, integrative practices, she was absolutely the catalyst for ending the pain I was in. I was lost when I found her, but now my relationship are better than ever, I'm social and I'm coming back into work that I love, I enjoy the gym, I'm healthy, I've been clean from my addictions coming up to a year and I KNOW the future is even brighter. Sam is not a life coach or integration coach, she is a wise woman, a sister, a mentor, a healer an angel and gift to this world. If you have a chance to work with Sam, do so, she will teach you how to love yourself and will help you see who you truly are, and there is no greater gift in this life.
Sam is an incredible woman, so wise, compassionate and deeply intuitive. She understands the mind, behaviour patterns and what I needed when I had no clue in which direction to turn. I am so grateful for Sam and the work that she does. She has helped me make sense of things and coached me through many difficult times as well as being there to celebrate the little wins. Together we have worked through traumas, figured out building a business, how to build my self esteem, how to put boundaries in place, how to have a voice and communicate, how to develop healthy relationships. Aswell as working 1-1 Sam has held some powerful womens circles and is so passionate about building up women and bringing the best out in each of us. She truly has a heart of gold and I would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to dive deep into themselves and create a happier more aligned life.
I've been with Sam for a while now starting with my first plant medicine journey, and I think it's the best decision I have ever made. We've been going through my life in order to find the events where the patterns and beliefs that are harmful to me, been created in order to change them. It wasn't easy for me to trust, because of my past experiences, but working with Sam I can feel the shift. I trust the process in the work that we are doing together and as we go along everything is being explained. Her soft and calming voice makes me feel safe and gives me the confidence that I need to talk about my life and emotional struggles. It's a bumpy and mysterious journey to healing, and although not at all times pleasant, the amount of understanding, drive to change and knowledge I get out of it makes it worth it.
Sam creates safe space for me to explore the feelings I've been bottling up, and gives me different perspectives to help me think outside my preconditioned ideas. I feel Sam close to my heart, something I never had with psychiatrist or therapist. She speaks from her heart and her life experience, and incorporate my mind, body and spirit into everything that we do. I find that having someone to be there for you and guide when needed is crucial in this healing journey to balance your life and healing (which can be challenging) and Sam does just that gracefully and with heart full of love.
There are truly no words to express my gratitude for this woman. I've been recommended to contact her by dear friend of mine after plant medicine retreat in the jungle as I had hard time navigating my inner mental and emotional state once I got back home. She is extremely knowledgeable about plant medicines and all the baggage that comes after, and she was very good in navigating everything that surfaced after ceremonies or when they came up in our work together. She is very kind loving and compassionate but doesn't sugar coat and gets right to the bottom of what needs to be done to free myself out of cages I created or been put into through the years of conditioning and everything else that came along. The part I loved the most about working with her she showed me how, she entertained every thought and emotional wave I had, without making me feel wrong or stupid and she showed me how to see, how to pick things apart, how to heal! With full heart of gratitude I can say that after 8 months of intense work with Sam I can breathe and live freely. Thank you so so much.
It's so hard to put into words how many changes Sam and her magic, energy, healing, and intuition have brought to my life in the past year. Her life/integration coaching helps open eyes, break old life patterns, and build a new positive approach to life. I won't say that working with Sam is easy, but I will definitely say that it's so worth it to finally see who I want to be and stop lying to myself that everything we've been taught since birth is how it should be. It's not; we can create and recreate our reality, shaping the world as we want to see it. Also, Sam's organisation of women's circles, together with medicine healing, is so powerful and filled with love, friendship, honesty, and learning. Every time we meet, it's like letting go of something that no longer serves me and bringing new energy, new power, and new lessons into my World.
----With love, Irma---
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